Monday, October 03, 2016

Stay Awake, Stay Alive

Stay awake, stay alive go to sleep, you will die. Stay awake, arrive alive watch out for the other guy Here he comes now - a dot in your rearview mirror grows into a Colossus of the highway, a brazen giant, with his head in flames, and he's gotta win, he's gotta win Stay awake, stay alive go to sleep, you will die. Stay awake, arrive alive watch out for the other guy He plunges his car head first into the metallic flood, chasing his need to get ahead of the herd. He's gotta win this race of robot zombie rats. He's gotta win, he's gotta win Stay awake, stay alive go to sleep, you will die. Stay awake, arrive alive watch out for the other guy Let the losers go with the flow no use for social contracts or turn signals. Let the losers fend for themselves The troll with the unbelievable hair trashes the rules of the road. He's gotta win, he's gotta win Stay awake, stay alive go to sleep, you will die. Stay awake, arrive alive watch out for the other guy He has the Rage of the Road and he crowds every lane and passes on the right and tailgates like a motherfucker And accelerates his phallic extension against the poor pilgrims of our interstates, and drives his speeding idol of capitalism, the brazen giant, the cosmic destroyer All that matters is that he gets ahead and stays ahead and fuck the rest of the losers He's gotta win, he's gotta win. Stay awake, stay alive go to sleep, you will die. Stay awake, arrive alive watch out for the other guy He mows down the huddled homeless masses He is the storm that sweeps away the tired, poor, wretched refugees He burns infernal fuels, burns the prehistoric dead, burns down the planet, burns up the air. He’s gotta win, he’s gotta win. “I’m a hungry ghost! And Hell is a hoax!” screams the troll with the hair. But he’s already lost, he’s already there.


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